Case Details

Family Self Sufficiency Program

The Family Self Sufficiency (FSS) program is a program created by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered in Washington County by HAWC. Families and individuals who qualify for housing choice vouchers are also eligible for the FSS program.

The FSS program offers long-term assistance designed to help clients overcome setbacks and achieve their goals. Participants receive individual coaching services that help them with the following activities:

  • Learn to set and reach realistic goals;
  • Improve their credit scores;
  • Obtain referrals to community support services;
  • Complete education and training programs so they can obtain higher-paying jobs;
  • Learn job retention skills and retain employment long-term; and 
  • Learn how to budget and save money for a down payment on a home.

Housing choice voucher holders who are the “head of household” and in good standing with HAWC, as well as other community support agencies, are eligible to enroll in the FSS program. The head of household signs a Contract of Participation and develops a set of goals for the family. We also encourage other adult household members to participate.

The first step toward participation in the FSS program is to apply for the Housing Choice Voucher Program.

Designed By: Designer JABS